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Saturday, 18 January 2014

My New Favourite: Etsy

I have just discovered Etsy and I have got to say that I love it! You can buy so many handmade items, my favourite thing to search for on the site is jewellery. The only downside is that shipping can be pricey due to most items being from America which also means shipping time is usually between 4-6 weeks which is a long time to wait.

I recently bought this beautiful necklace for my mum. It consists of a tree pendent then 2 plates with all of her daughters and grand children's names, I thought it was cute! The necklace can be bought here and is only $28 USD which converts to only £17.05 however I did upgrade the chain which was an extra £7.30 but that still is not expensive at all! Etsy is definitely a great place to buy gifts, just order well in advance!

Do you ever shop on Etsy?

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