As I sit down to write this, I actually have no idea what I am going to say. For once this will be a personal post where words just come rambling out. Recently I have been feeling a bit lost and do not seem to get why. I am sure everyone feels like this at some point in their life but I just wish the feeling was not getting me down as much as it is.
Life right now revolves around uni on Monday, Tuesday and Friday and then work comes along and takes up my Thursdays and Saturdays leaving me with only Wednesdays and Sundays free. I know most people with full time jobs probably get this number of days off but the problem with that is I can never go home to visit my family for more than a night. Its now been about 4-5 weeks since I've seen them and I am getting so homesick. You'd think by my 3rd year of uni that I would get over it.... but obviously not. Nothing ever exciting seems to happen here, maybe that is because I am extremely poor (rent in Aberdeen is ridiculous) and cannot afford to do anything different. Every time the slightest thing goes wrong, which is always, I automatically blame Aberdeen just because I really do not like it here.
This has all brought me on to thinking - why am I even in Aberdeen? I do not enjoy uni or living away from home and none of my close friends live here (except my boyfriend, which is the only thing that like Aberdeen for). I am half way through my course and know that I definitely want a job that is linked to it in the future therefore the only option is to stick it out. I am a bit fed up of feeling grumpy and sad all of the time though.
I also feel a bit lost with my blog. My motivation just does not seem to be there anymore, this is the same with most other aspects of my life. My sister is giving me her camera as she has got a new one so I am hoping this makes me excited to blog again. Do not get me wrong, I still love blogging but I just never seem to have any ideas for posts that I am happy with. I think another thing that has made me lose my blogging mojo is that my followers has not really moved for months.. I know blogging is not about followers but it just gets me down a little as it kind of makes me feel like my content is not that great.
Anyway on wards and up wards? Hopefully my life will begin to feel more exciting soon. Starting from now, I am definitely going to put a lot more effort into my blog. Motivation best come along quickly!
What type of posts do you like seeing from me?